Projected Interventions –
The Post Family
at the MCA
In 2016 The Post Family was invited to participate in the MCA’s Talk series. Along with a talk, the group also created a series of projected interventions throughout the Pop Art exhibit, which was on display in the museum at the time.
For my part, I wanted to explore how context can change perception and interpretation of an experience. I chose to project single words or images, one at a time, above the entrance to the exhibit, in hopes of influencing, either consciously or subconsciously, the way the museum goer perceived the exhibit. Words like Privilege, Decoration, and Boring, were flashed along with pictures of Bob Ross, a TV dinner, and a white plastic chair – all seemingly disparate at first, but when placed in context of Pop Art, would take on a new meaning with a common thread.
It was humbling to have the opportunity to participate with the museum and the exhibit in such an intimate and engaging way. Below is the full slideshow that was projected during the event.

This is the actual slideshow.